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interpreting china’s highlights
中国揽胜  detail>>
interpreting china’s culture
中国人文景观  detail>>
出色动作 高光位,高光点 图像最亮部分 现场演出片段 要闻 最近推荐 最亮区  detail>>
解释的 解释过程 解释执行 连续传译 直译;译印 逐步口译  detail>>
interpreting asia interpreting europe
亚欧口译  detail>>
burn highlights
加深高光色  detail>>
career highlights
运动生涯杰出表现  detail>>
carrer highlights
冠军经历  detail>>
color highlights
颜色高光  detail>>
design highlights
设计要点  detail>>
dodge highlights
减淡高光色  detail>>
educational highlights
课程学科重点部分 课程重点部分  detail>>
highlights and sidelights
要闻与花絮  detail>>
highlights for children
儿童文粹  detail>>
highlights of the unit
单元要点概述  detail>>
highlights of this course
课程重点  detail>>
opera highlights
折子戏  detail>>
specular highlights
高光曲线区  detail>>